The role of Corn Ethanol:  Fuel, Food and Feed

The corn ethanol sector positively impacts corn production for human consumption and animal feed for several reasons:

1. Diversification of uses: Corn ethanol production diversifies the uses of corn, creating new markets and opportunities for producers. This means that the corn grown is not exclusively used for food or animal feed production, providing greater flexibility in the distribution and use of the crop.

2. Valuable co-products: Corn ethanol production generates co-products such as distillers grains, which are used as animal feed. These co-products are rich in nutrients and represent an economical and sustainable source of feed for animals, contributing to the generation of animal protein in a world that increasingly wants to consume this type of food.

3. No impact on food production: Corn ethanol production in Brazil does not affect the availability of corn for human consumption, since most of the corn production intended for ethanol generation is made from Brazil’s second corn harvest. The best use of rural properties, which produce soybeans and corn on the same land, in the same year, due to the fantastic conditions in Brazil.

4. Stimulating agricultural production: The corn ethanol sector can stimulate agricultural production and rural development, contributing to the generation of jobs, income and economic development in corn-producing regions.

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